Sunday, 22 July 2007

Reading Potter

Started and finished the last Harry Potter book today - Deathly Hallows (or Deathly Howls as Adam calls it). Hmmm, it did get quite exciting near the end, not sure about the ending - but I won't say anymore for those who haven't read it yet. My kids are bursting to know what happens!


Mary said...

I thought I could read quickly but not as quickly as that It must be all those OU books that have trained you. Ive only read the last page so it doesent mean anything to me.

Sarah Nopp said...

LOL I did that last night- turned off the computer, picked up a copy, picked up a pizza, opened a bottle of wine and planted myself on the sofa for about 7 hours. Fabulous!
Now to digest it, and after my dh reads it, ReRead it :)
Hope the kiddies enjoy it!

Everything Stops for Tea said...

OMG - LOVED IT!!! - finished it last night!!!! Ain't gonna win any prizes for classic literature... but who said it had to?

Anonymous said...

Would you believe I have not read any of the books and have never seen the films either. I am an avid reader but somehow could not get over excited about fantasy or escapism reading. To each their own and I can understand the excitement, so glad you enjoyed it and I am sure the children are waiting anxiously for the outcome. Will you read it to them?

Alis Clair said...

Goodness that was quick!!

I will continue to read slowly and savor every moment ;0)
I'll still be eating my cake when you have all finished!

Jacqui said...

Look the films but never got into the books,probably because when they first came out,my eldest was 12, youngest 8 and I had stopped reading to them by then.

Thanks for the advice about the soy iosflavs but with my underactive thyroid I need to be careful about how much soy I use in my food. This is a pain because so much stuff has soy in it, especially if your son happens to be vegetarian.

You are a bit young to be in this stage, aren't you? I happened to mentioned to my cousin who is 18 months older than me,as we were chatting online, something about babies and said she was getting a bit past that now. she quickly retorted back that she stills needs a raincoat.

Dianne said...

No, don't tell!!! My 13 y/- has finished already, and now it's my turn - but I have to finish a book I'm halfway through before I can start on it.

Anonymous said...

Still reading it.

Unknown said...

Actually I thought the ending just right - loved the book - the best yet!